Johnson, Samuel Désiré

Born May 8, 1962, died March 24, 2021 in France of Covid.
Doctor of theology from the University of Hamburg, specialist in missiology, history of religions and ecumenism, Samuel Désiré Johnson was pastor of the Union of Baptist Churches of Cameroon (UEBC). He worked as a pastor in Cameroon and Germany. After having been a teacher and dean of the Baptist Institute for Theological Training of Ndiki (IBFTN) in Cameroon, after 2008 he held the position of Executive Secretary in charge of the “Animation” pole of Cevaa. He was also an associate researcher at the Maurice-Leenhardt Center for Research in Missiology of the Protestant Institute of Theology of Montpellier.
Samuel Désiré’s work speaks for itself: his contributions to all the collective works published by the Cevaa, his personal works and his numerous academic research works around the history of Christianity (especially the contemporary period in Africa), the history of religions and interreligious relations, missiology and ecumenism. Among other works, he is the author of Les chrétiens et la diversité religieuse : les voix de l’ouverture et de la rencontre (Christians and Religious Diversity: Voices of Openness and Encounter) (Paris: Karthala, 2011).
Sources (consulted on 04/21/2021):