Classic DACB Collection

All articles created or submitted in the first twenty years of the project, from 1995 to 2015.


Alternate Names: Zä-‘Ellä-‘Asfeha
Ancient Christian Church

Zä-‘Ellä-‘Asfeha, Emperor (? c. 3rd century A.D.), whose name also appears as Zä-Asfeh or ‘Asbeha, was the twenty-third ruler of the Solomonic line in the Christian era according to some of the longer King Lists for this period, which contain thirty reigns between Emperor Bazén who ruled at the beginning of the Christian era, and Emperors ‘Abreha and ‘Asbeha, in whose reign the conversion of Ethiopia to Christianity is said to have taken place, c. 330 A.D.

Belaynesh Michael


C. Conti Rossini, “Les Listes des Rois d’Aksoum”, Journal Asiatique (1909), Liste C.

E. A. Wallis Budge, A History of Ethiopia (London, 1928), Vol. I, 209-210.

This article is reproduced, with permission, from The Dictionary of Ethiopian Biography, Vol. 1 ‘From Early Times to the End of the Zagwé Dynasty c. 1270 A.D.,’ copyright © 1975, edited by Belaynesh Michael, S. Chojnacki and Richard Pankhurst, Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. All rights reserved.