Oladele, Gabriel Babasola

The Apostolic Church, Nigeria

Gabriel Babasola Oladele was the first national secretary of the Apostolic Church, Nigeria. [1]

Birth and Early Life

Gabriel Babasola Oladele was born on 4 December, 1915 to a wealthy royal family of Lejofi Aka, Ijofi Street, Ilesa, Osun State, Nigeria. [2] His parents, Pa Daniel Olorunfemi Oladele and Madam Dorcas Oluwakuse Oladele (Iya Adura) were notable traders and devoted Christians which probably influenced the religious fervency of G. B. Oladele. [3] Whereas, Oladele’s father was a prominent produce buyer and renowned farmer from Idominasi near Ilesa, his mother, Madam Dorcas Oluwakuse Oladele came from Irun in Ondo State.

Education and Career

Between 1929, when he was about fourteen years old, and 1939, Oladele attended Methodist Primary School, Otapete (1929), All Saints Anglican School, Eti-Oni (1930-1933), The Apostolic Primary School, Oke-Ooye (1934-1935), Holy Trinity Anglican School, Omofe (1936-1937), and obtained Standard Six Leaving Certificate at St John’s School, Iloro (1938-1939), all in Ilesa. [4] He probably developed a die-hard interest for fellowshipping in The Apostolic Church Nigeria during his primary education pursuit at Apostolic Primary School, Oke-Ooye, Ilesa, Nigeria. He would have loved to further in his studies but lacked funds. Therefore, he joined the Teaching Service immediately. [5]

In 1940, Oladele was employed as a teacher. Between January and June 1940, he worked at The Apostolic Primary School, Oke-Iro, Ilesa and The Apostolic Primary School, Oke-Ooye, Ilesa between August and December, 1940. As pioneering staff, in 1941, he also taught at The Apostolic Primary School, Iperindo via Ilesa. In 1942, thanks to the influence of the manager of the Apostolic Schools, Pastor S. G. Elton, Gabriel Babasola Oladele was transferred to The Apostolic Primary School, Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State, Nigeria. [6] A witness to his excellent teaching career were some of his notable students, including the former provost, Osun State College of Education, Ilesa, Dr S. F. Daramola, a renowned Apostle, Pastor Titus Dada Ayunke and the wife of the superintendent of Abeokuta, Deaconess Akindiya. [7]

His Christian Life and Ministry in TACN

In December 1942, Oladele resigned from his teaching appointment in compliance with divine guidance to join the full-time ministerial work. In January 1943, he joined the full-time ministry of TACN under the leadership of Late Pastor G. E. S. Olakanpo at TACN, Oke-Iro, Ilesa. For theological training, Oladele attended The Apostolic Bible School, Ilesa under the tutorship of Ilesa Area Superintendent, Pastor S. G. Elton and Pastor J. A. Babatope. [8] In the same year, he was also appointed the English teacher to teach the junior classes. While still undergoing theological training at Bible School, he was deployed to TACN, Ijebu-Ijesa with a view to serving under a senior colleague like Pastor I. O. Odeyemi for evangelical work.

In the year 1944, he was put in charge of TACN, Eyingun, Latundun, Ajido, Itaapa, Oke-Olowu, Eti-Oni and Aladodo. During his tenure at Eyingun, Oladele established other new Assemblies at Ehin-Oke and Oke-Jentiri. Between 1946 and 1947, he served as the first Assembly worker of TACN, Ikoyi Assembly, Ilesa. [9] In his autobiography, Oladele asserts that he was transferred to TACN, Ikoyi, Ilesa in order to establish the Apostolic doctrine among the Aladura Church members that newly joined TAC under the leadership of Pa Apoeso. The people embraced the doctrine of TAC during his tenure there as exemplified by many people whoreceived baptism by immersion and the Right Hand of Fellowship. [10] In recent years, indicative of the demographic and spiritual growth of the church, TACN, Ikoyi District central assembly dedicated a 5000 sitting capacity temple on 25 March 2016. [11] Up to 2017, TACN, Ikoyi District, Ilesa was comprised of 6 Assemblies namely, Ikoyi, Imadin, Oke-Itunu, Agbeda, Ilaje-Ile, and Olanrewaju –not counting other newly evolving Assemblies. [12]

On 14 November, 1946, Oladele was married to Miss Felicia Olanipekun Fapohunda of Oke-Iyin Street, Ilesa. Later, in 1948, Oladele was appointed a tutor of The Apostolic Bible School, Oke-Ooye, Ilesa. There, he worked with Pastor E. G. Obadare. In addition, between 1949 and 1951, a successor of Pastor E. A. F. Foluwasayo, he was in charge of TACN, Ipetu-Ijesa. An index of successful ministerial assignment, at Ijebu-Ijesa, during his tenure, the big church foundation was completed and the Apostolic Primary School established. [13] It should be noted that the big TAC’s hall at Ijebu-Ijesa has attracted the attention of the church authorities such that it was granted the status of an autonomous Area in April 2017.

On 14 January, 1951, Oladele was ordained into the office of Pastor together with four others including Pastor S. O. Akindiya, S. O. Komolafe, M. O. Ige and S. O. Ige (Ogunleye & Lisoye 1999). In 1965, Oladele was ordained into the office of an Apostle in charge of Midwest resident in Benin City. In retrospect, between 1952 and 1955, Oladele served as Ilase Section Pastor comprising of Ilase, Ipetu Ibokun (Ipetu-Ile), Otan, Ilahun, Ibokun, Ikinyinwa, Iponda, Idominasi, Ilowa and Iregun. Through his effort, the witness movement of TACN were duly taught the rudiment of Apostolic doctrine and how to evangelize their world for Christ the Lord. Through regular evangelical campaigns, more units of Assemblies were planted at Ilare, Ada-Ile, Iragbiji and Ikirun. [14]

A man of many parts, on 1 June, 1954, Oladele was ordained into the office of an Area Evangelist. That time coincided with the trying period of Latter Rain (1954-1955). In collaboration with other powerful evangelists like Pastor E. O. Ogundele and Evangelist T. O. Obadare, Oladele was used of the Lord to put the fire of dissension at bay at Oke-Igbogi then. In 1956, the case of Igbogi Assembly was finally resolved in court in favour of TACN. By October 1956, he was already the District Pastor to TACN, Oke-Igbogi District. In his autography, Oladele notes that, on 1 November, 1956, he served at TACN, Oke-Igbogi, Ilesa. Then there had been a great conflict which caused the drifting away of about 1000 people from the church. Thus, the separatists formed another church called Gospel Apostolic Church, Ikoti, Ilesa under the leadership of Pastor J. A. Fowowe and Elder Agbeniyi. [15] Nonetheless, Oladele was instrumental to the recovery of all the losses; church members that had dwindled to 10 during the Latter Rain doctrinal crisis increased to 250 at Oke-Igbogi, Ilesa. The success recorded at Oke-Igbogi, Ilesa was not without the prayer support of the saints throughout FAWNAC Territory headed by Pastor S. G. Adegboyega. [16] Besides, Pa Makanjuola, Elder Oladiran (now Overseer, TACN, Oke-Igbogi Assembly, Ilesa) and Joseph Olowe greatly contributed to the success of the church against the dissenters.

Between 1960 and 1964, Oladele served in the capacity of the District Pastor and school manager of TACN, Afenmai at Igarra-Oke in Akoko-Edo Division, Midwestern State now Edo State. Specifically, he was the manager of two Apostolic Primary Schools at Otwo and Agenebode, and a Modern School at Igarra. As a District Pastor, he was in charge of three sections of the church viz. Igarra Section, Otwo Section, and Agenebode Section. A church planter he was, Oladele established new churches at Igarra-Isale, Iru-Oke in Otwa and Okashe in Okpella. Besides, he was instrumental to the regaining of the church landed properties in Otwa and Igarra-Oke for TACN from the church’s haters. [17]

In addition, Oladele represented the authority of TACN in some court cases. Typical of such cases were those connected with an alleged transferring of the Apostolic Schools at Igarra and Otwo to Christ Apostolic Church and crisis on Benin City Area’s status. Precisely, the authority of TAC won in TAC versus CAC case of the rightful ownership of the Apostolic Primary Schools. Also, Oladele claimed that he and Elders of TAC Benin City were summoned to court three times over the church landed property and the church building that some people plotted to take over from the church. Later on, the case was taken to Benin High Court and Supreme Court in Lagos. In the end, the case was ruled in favour of TACN. [18]

Between the year 1967 and 1970, he was appointed the Ilesa Area Secretary at the same time taking charge of Oke-Eso District. In the year 1967, he was appointed the first editor, TAC. In the same year, the maiden Almanac of TAC Ilesa Area was printed. In his tenure also, the history of TAC in Ilesa was published. In 1977, Oladele was transferred to Maiduguri, Nigeria. On 1 April, 1979, he was appointed and inducted the Jos Area Superintendent. In 1981, Oladele was instrumental to the purchasing of the Jos Area Convention Ground at the cost of Eight Thousand Naira, (#8,000:00) In February 1981, he was appointed the first national Secretary of TACN. In his capacity as the national secretary of the church, he was instrumental to the successful celebration of the golden jubilee of TACN in 1981. [19] He also exemplified an epitome of a good teacher of the word and an uncompromising religious leader.

Contributions to Church Growth

From the foregoing, it has been established that Gabriel Babasola Oladele contributed to the growth and development of TACN. Oladele’s teaching career enhanced both the spiritual and social growth of his community as exemplified in his students like the former provost, Osun State College of Education, Ilesa, Dr S. F. Daramola and an Apostle, Pastor Titus Dada Ayunke who later became exemplary leaders in the church and community at large. He was instrumental to the founding of the Apostolic Primary Schools Ijebu-Ijesa, Osun State and Afenmai at Igarra-Oke now in Edo State. He was a church planter. Thus, Oladele established new churches of TACN at Igarra-Isale, Iru-Oke in Otwa and Okashe in Okpella, Edo State. Between 1981 and 1995, he passionately worked for the unity and development of TACN. He was transferred from TAC, Jos Area to Ilesa Area in 1994. He served in the capacity of Superintendent in TACN, Ilesa Area. While on active service as superintendent, TACN, Ilesa, he fell sick and died on the eve of year 1995, 31 December, 1995.

Caleb Abiodun Adeleye


  1. This, now modified, article was first published as C. A. Adeleye (2017), “Pastor Gabriel Babasola Oladele, 1915-1995 (First African National Secretary, TACN, National Executive Council)” in S. A. Fatokun (ed) C. A. Adeleye et al, A Pentecost from Africa to Europe, from Europe to Africa: History and Distinctiveness of The Apostolic Church Nigeria, 1918-2017, Ibadan: Global Estida Publishers, 558-562. This work forms part of my PhD Dissertation, C. A. Adeleye (2022) “Leadership Dynamics and the Growth of The Apostolic Church Nigeria, 1931-2011,” Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
  2. Pastor Titus Oluwasola Oladele, Interview Respondent, one of the children of the deceased, Interviewed on 26 November, 2021; TACN (1996), ‘Order of funeral and Outing Memorial Service for Late Pastor Gabriel Babasola Oladele’ held on Saturday, 10 & 11 February, 1996, 29-31.
  3. Henceforth, G. B. Oladele or Oladele will be used interchangeably for Pastor Gabriel Babasola Oladele.
  4. Drawn on the autobiography of Pastor G. B. Oladele (unpublished).
  5. Pastor G. I. Abe, Interview Respondent, Superintendent, TACN, Ilesa Area, Interviewed on 11 March, 2017.
  6. Drawn on the autobiography of Pastor G. B. Oladele (unpublished), 3.
  7. Pastor Titus Oluwasola Oladele, Interview Respondent, one of the children of the deceased, Interviewed on 26 November, 2021.
  8. As a student in Bible School, Oladele was also saddled with the responsibility of manning an Assembly, The Apostolic Church, Oke-Iro, Ilesa from where he went to school every day.
  9. TACN, Programme of Dedication of TACN, Ikoyi District Central Assembly Temple on 25 March, 2016.
  10. Drawn on the autobiography of Pastor G. B. Oladele (unpublished), 4-5.
  11. The Apostolic Church Nigeria, Ikoyi District Central Assembly, Programme of Opening and Dedication of Temple held on 25 March, 2016.
  12. Up to November 2017, Pastor C. A. Adeleye was the District Apostle, TACN, Ikoyi, Ilesa while Pastor S. A. Oguntuyi was the District prophet and Imadin Assembly’s Pastor.
  13. Drawn on the autobiography of Pastor G. B. Oladele (unpublished), 9.
  14. This attests to the statutory role of Witness Movement as an evangelical arm of TACN.
  15. Drawn on the autobiography of Pastor G. B. Oladele, 12.
  16. FAWNAC Territory refers to Federal And Western/Northern Areas comprising Lagos (Federal), Ilesa, Zaria and Kabba stand for Western/Northern.
  17. TACN, Order of funeral and Outing Memorial Service for Late Pastor Gabriel Babasola Oladele held on Saturday, 10 & 11 February, 1996, 29-31.
  18. Drawn on the autobiography of Pastor G. B. Oladele, 21-23.
  19. TACN, Order of funeral and Outing Memorial Service for Late Pastor Gabriel Babasola Oladele, 29-31.

This article, received in July 2024, was written by Caleb Abiodun Adeleye, PhD, Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Osogbo Study Centre at the National Open University of Nigeria.