Classic DACB Collection

All articles created or submitted in the first twenty years of the project, from 1995 to 2015.

Macaulay, Thomas Babington (A)

Anglican Communion (Church Missionary Society)
Sierra Leone

Of Sierra Leone, West Africa. A Colony-born Christian of Yoruba descent. At Fourah Bay Institution. Employed as a Schoolmaster at the Grammar School, Freetown. 18–, to England, and entered Church Missionary College. Returned to Africa, and appointed Tutor in Grammar School, Freetown. Afterwards Principal of Lagos Grammar School. 1854, November 26, deacon, and 1865, February 5, ordained a priest by Bishop of Sierra Leone. 1878, January 17, died of smallpox at Lagos. (See C.M. Intelligencer, April 1878.) Translated the Minor Prophets into Yoruba, which were afterwards revised by Bishop Crowther.


Church Missionary Society, Register of Missionaries (Clerical, Lay and Female) and Native Clergy from 1804 to 1904.