Classic DACB Collection

All articles created or submitted in the first twenty years of the project, from 1995 to 2015.

Fisher, Arthur Bryant and Ruth

Anglican Communion (Church Missionary Society)

Rev. Arthur Bryant Fisher of the Church Missionary Society (CMS) arrived in Uganda in 1892. In April 1893 he established a CMS station at Mityana where he devised a system of “reading-houses” built by the people in the surrounding areas, each manned by two African teachers. He and senior teachers supervised the work. The advantages of this system were seen by Pilkington and the patter became standard throughout Uganda. In 1894 he opened work at Kasaka; in 1895 he was the first missionary to visit Koki and obtained permission from Kamswaga (the King) to open a station at Rakai. In the same year he opened work at Kinakulya, Singo. In 1895-1896 he travelled through Bunyoro to the consternation of the government as the country had not yet been “pacified.” In 1896 he travelled to Toro with Bishop Tucker to establish European missionaries at Kabarole. In 1899 he opened work at Masindi and Hoima in Bunyoro. From 1900-1903 he worked in Toro, and married Ruth Hurditch, a fellow-missionary. In 1903 Fisher and the Rev. A. L. (later Bishop) Kitching climbed to the snows of Ruwenzori. From 1905-1913 he worked in Bunyoro. He played a significant part in helping to restore peace at the time of the Bunyoro rising against the Baganda chiefs in 1907. In 1913 he went to Gulu, Acoli, to re-open CMS work in that area. He retired from Uganda in 1913. Mrs. Fisher was the author of On the Borders of Pygmy-land (1905) and Twilight Tales of the Black Baganda (1911). The latter gives a valuable early account of Noro traditions of the Baowezi and Babito dynasties.

Louise Pirouet

This article, used by permission, was written by Louise Pirouet, as part of A Dictionary of Christianity in Uganda (Department of Religious Studies, Makerere University College, 1969), p. 17. Copies available at Africana Section, Makerere University Library (AF Q 276.761 MAK and AR/MAK/99/1); Bishop Tucker Library, Uganda Christian University and in UK at the University of Birmingham; Crowther Centre Library, CMS Oxford and Louise Pirouet Papers, Cambridge Centre of African Studies.