Classic DACB Collection

All articles created or submitted in the first twenty years of the project, from 1995 to 2015.

Kikwabanga, Nua

Anglican Communion (Church of Uganda)

Rev. Nua Kikwabanga was among the Protestant Christians exiled in Ankole in 1888. In 1889 he travelled to the Coast with H. M. Stanley. In 1890 he joined Bishop Alfred Robert Tucker’s party at Freretown, and on the way up to Uganda taught George Lawrence Pilkington Luganda. In 1894 when CMS work was restarted in Busoga, he and Yosua Kiwavu went to Iganga as evangelists. He was ordained deacon in 1896 and worked at Kaliro in Busoga; ordained priest 1899. During the Sudanese Mutiny of 1897 he saved the life of H. T. C. Weatherhead, hiding him in a swamp. From 1899-1903 he worked at Bukaleba, and was then transferred to Makerere. He died of sleeping sickness in 1905.

Louise Pirouet

This article, used by permission, was written by Louise Pirouet, as part of A Dictionary of Christianity in Uganda (Department of Religious Studies, Makerere University College, 1969), p. 36. Copies available at Africana Section, Makerere University Library (AF Q 276.761 MAK and AR/MAK/99/1); Bishop Tucker Library, Uganda Christian University and in UK at the University of Birmingham; Crowther Centre Library, CMS Oxford and Louise Pirouet Papers, Cambridge Centre of African Studies.